These are some of the most interesting, visually cool, or otherwise unique posts from my infrequently-updated travel blog. In keeping with the theme of this site, most describe my exploration of some ancient ruin.

To read a post, click on a marker on the map or one of the pictures below.


I attempt to follow a Roman aqueduct on a rusty child’s bicycle


I battle vermin and bathe in the healing waters of Hierapolis


A sacred peak, a sleeping god, and a whole mess of Byzantine monks…


I climb over piles of sarcophagi and meet a man named Ghengis


A road walked by Alexander the Great, St. Paul, and yours truly


Misadventures in the ancient capital of the Hittite Empire


Two days in the windswept ruins of Ani


A journey into the childhood of Alexander the Great


The ruined capital of a Byzantine successor state




I cope with a train workers’ strike while exploring the Roman ruins of southern France


Checking out Spain’s most spectacular Roman remains


Tunis and Carthage, in the wake of the Arab Spring


The subterranean Roman villas of a remote Tunisian town



A whole bunch of pyramids


A whirlwind tour of the tombs and temples of Thebes


I am nearly trampled by a herd of camels


Petra justifies the hype


I tear my pants on razor wire in the West Bank


The strange Gothic ruins of Famagusta


The castles of the Kyrenia Mountains on a misty day



Getting lost in an otherworldly landscape


The spectacular ruins of a forgotten Roman province


I have an awkward conversation with Kurdish insurgents


The ruined churches of Turkey’s northeast corner



Climbing Sicily’s famous volcano


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