Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants

Videos about History

The Hidden History of Rome

The Hidden History of Rome’s Pantheon

The Hidden History of St. Peter’s Basilica

Ancient Masterpieces of the Vatican Museums

What happened to the missing half of the Colosseum?

The 5 Greatest Roman Buildings Demolished during the Renaissance

Roman Buildings Hidden in Plain Sight

Julius Caesar and the City of Rome

The Secret Tunnel into the Colosseum

Great Buildings of the Ancient World

A Historical Tour of Hagia Sophia

Tour of a Mansion in Pompeii

The Walls of Herakleia

Mren Cathedral

The Obelisk of Theodosius

Questions about Ancient Greece and Rome

How did the Romans capture animals for the Colosseum?

Did the Greeks and Romans play drinking games?

Why didn’t the Greeks or Romans wear pants?

Were ancient war elephants effective in battle?

Why are so many Greek and Roman statues naked?

What were the greatest Greek and Roman delicacies?

The Story of Atlantis, Parts I-III

Four ways to summon a demon in Roman Egypt

How did the Greeks and Romans build Colossal Temples?

The 6 Most Valuable Roman Treasures Ever Discovered

 A History of Rome in Fifteen Buildings

0. Introduction: A very short history of Rome

1. The Hut of Romulus

2. The Rostra

3. The Forum of Caesar

4. Ara Pacis

5. The Colosseum

6. The Pantheon

7. The Column of Marcus Aurelius

8. The Baths of Caracalla

9. The Arch of Constantine

10. Santa Sabina

11. Santa Prassede

12. Santa Maria in Trastevere

13. San Pietro in Vincoli

14. Sant’Andrea al Quirinale

15. Keats-Shelley House

Ancient Buildings Hidden in Plain Sight

Roman Buildings Hidden in Plain Sight

Roman Houses Still Inhabited Today

The Best-Preserved Roman Buildings

The Short Answer

A Time Traveler’s Guide to Ancient Rome

Walking Tours

The Mediterranean World

The Roman Forum in the Age of Augustus

The Athenian Acropolis in Context

The American Midwest

Chicago 1893

Travel Blog

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Thunder on the Steppe

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Bridge on the River Guadiana

After the Revolution

Out of the Sun


Welcome to Egypt!


On the King’s Highway

In the rose-red city


Ruins and Echoes





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